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Showing posts from September, 2018

finding things to use in my short film

I found these masks on amazon as using makeup only to make someone look like a troll as I want them to, would be a hard task especially with my lack of knowledge of makeup. These masks are perfect for me as they are exactly how I pictured the characters in the story to be.   With these masks I was thinking of ideas for the rest of the costume. As the masks have hoods over the back of the heads, I was thinking that a hooded jumper or maybe a long wig to cover it would be the best. because the troll is living under a bridge, his clothes would be dirty and maybe even ripped which I could do myself. On the other hand, I could also have the main troll wear something along the lines of a worn piece of cloth to amplify the fact that he's a troll living under a bridge with nothing. The brothers costume would be more sophisticated as it would help to show the story that his brother had made it in the city and is now a successful person. I think I would either make him wear a su

news story

I read a news story with the title "I met a troll in Stockholm" the story wasn't actually about a troll and the title was probably just to get people to read it. But the title made a spark in my imagination I created the idea that I could make a short film in which there is a troll living under a bridge. everyone sees the troll as a bad person and everyone tries to stay as far away from him as possible. one day a young guy sees the troll and asks him to go into town with him. He is first really anxious to leave the bridge but when he agrees to leave he has a great time with his newly made friend. he is looked at with disgust and people are pointing and laughing at him which is a shot that I could do from the trolls perspective to add to the mise en scene. In the end, the troll manages to save his friend by either saving him from being hit by a car or falling off of something. one other idea I also had was that I could introduce a troll hunter that is out to get the troll

Where i'm at now