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Getting inspiration from existing shorts

To help me think of ideas for my short film I used YouTube to find some short films to watch for inspiration. I found that there are so many different types of short film but one short film stood out to me. This was a short called "deep it"done by million youth media and put on their YouTube channel. it shows the regularity and frequency of stabbings in London. I like the style of it as it has a deep meaning and hits hard especially at the end. after watching this I liked the idea of making a video that had some sort of deep meaning.

This short stood out to me personally because a lot of the characters are around my age and the story follows people a similar age to me. I also enjoyed it because I thought it was very well made in terms of the camera angles and shots used. There are a lot of shots that are close up to the characters making the audience feel like they are closer to the characters. I thought that this was a good feature of the film as because its so short it helps the audience to connect with the characters in a shorter amount of time. I also think the setting was chosen very well as using the streets of London gives it am authentic feel.


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