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Showing posts from July, 2018
All films have a genre, this is the style or category that the film comes under. There are obviously many genres of film that I could consider to make my short film using. Because of this, I looked at many different films with different genres to see which one I wanted to use. genre is also to tell people what sort of film it is other than getting into the cinema without knowing what you're going to see. in my real life I like to watch horror films or films with a great story and meaning, therefore I am strongly considering making my short film using one of those styles.

Getting inspiration from existing shorts

To help me think of ideas for my short film I used YouTube to find some short films to watch for inspiration. I found that there are so many different types of short film but one short film stood out to me. This was a short called "deep it"done by million youth media and put on their YouTube channel. it shows the regularity and frequency of stabbings in London. I like the style of it as it has a deep meaning and hits hard especially at the end. after watching this I liked the idea of making a video that had some sort of deep meaning. This short stood out to me personally because a lot of the characters are around my age and the story follows people a similar age to me. I also enjoyed it because I thought it was very well made in terms of the camera angles and shots used. There are a lot of shots that are close up to the characters making the audience feel like they are closer to the characters. I thought that this was a good feature of the film as because its so shor

Why are there short films?

There are many short films made by aspiring directors that have a very low or no budget at all. All short films are obviously not very long and don't usually have a star cast or set. This means they aren't meant to be for long time of entertainment. Short films are usually made by upcoming directors to show off their film making skills. They make these shorts to put on their résumé in hopes of attracting the bigger film making studios to make bigger budgeted, longer films which in turn would make more money. Also, the cast in short films are usually aspiring actors who also can put their short films on their résumé in hopes of being cast for a larger film. Due to the technology we have these days, short films are easily accessible and can easily be put on the internet on platforms such as YouTube. This means the owners of the large production companies can view them very easily and scout the upcoming film makers and actors. For example, director, actor and presenter James Cordo

vladimir propp

Born on 17 April 1895, Vladimir Propp was a Russian literacy critic who suggested in his books that a certain character was to be used in every narrative structure. There was 8 types of characters that he said were to be in every narrative: -The villain- the main enemy of the protagonist. -The dispatcher- makes the villains evil known to the hero. -The helper- helps the hero throughout the story. -The princess or prize- the outcome of the story usually ending in winning or marrying the princess. -The donor -prepares the hero or gives them a magical object. -The hero or victim -usually the main character and a large part of the story. They are supported by the audience and usually end up on top at the end of the narrative. -False hero -takes credit for the hero's actions.

The 3 act structure

The three act structure is how a lot of narrative fiction is structured. It consists of a beginning, conflict and resolution of the conflict. The beginning is the character development where you meet the characters and learn a little about them before the main part of the story. The next part in the story is the conflict where the story element of the film starts. It initiates the start of the resolution which might entail the protagonist learning new skills to defeat the obstacle or overcome a problem. The last part of the 3 act structure is the resolution where the obstacle or problem is overcome by the main protagonist. usually ending by the main character winning or getting what they want.

starting to look at ideas for my short film

To start to develop ideas of what sort of story and type of genre of film to make my short film in the style of, I looked at some random pictures and wrote a few of the first words that came into my head.  This helped me in starting to develop some ideas of the types of stories that I could base my short film on as I began to write some very short scenes based on the photos that I used. As you can see these are very rough ideas that don't have a lot of context but it helped me to start to think of ideas that I could possibly do for my coursework. I also used an ideas generating pack to come up with a story using some weird categories that don't necessarily fit together. this helped to stretch my imagination.